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About Christina Tung

Christina Tung Wai is a Hong Kong based contemporary artist. She is now a Fellow of the Fellowship of Creative Arts from the Asian Institute of Creative Education, the Standing Committee Member of the Hong Kong Modern Ink Painting Society, and the Committee Member of The 4-D Art Club of Hong Kong. She is also a member of The Hong Kong Artists Association, HongKong Guangzhou Arts Association, Contemporary Innovative Ink Painting Association, Shine Art Association and Woodland Art Association.

She started her endeavor in art by studying ceramic art under Ms. Janet Tso in 2010, and later, Chinese ink art under contemporary ink colour Master Lam Tian Xing and Lingnan school ink painting Master Lam Wu Fui, and Chinese calligraphy under Chinese calligraphers Cheung Sing Kwo and Bai He. In 2019, she completed the “Contemporary Ink Artists Summit Program” at Shanghai Institute of Visual Art, and is now studying Chinese ink art under the tutelage of Master Liu Kuo-sung, Father of Modern Ink Painting.

Since 2018, Christina has held 9 solo exhibitions in Russia, Beijing, China and Hong Kong. In 2018, she made her debut and second solo exhibition at the Museum of Russian Academy of Fine Arts and Molbert Gallery, respectively, in St. Petersburg, Russia. She was then invited by the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Hong Kong and Russian Club Hong Kong to hold her third solo exhibition “Inspirations” in late 2018, where her work titled “Noble Aspiration” became a collection of the Russian Consulate. In 2021, her fourth solo exhibition “Birds of a Feather” was held at Cheer Bell Gallery. In 2022, her fifth and sixth solo exhibitions “Odyssey of Feather” were held at Hong Kong City Hall and Fine Art Asia respectively. In 2023, her seventh solo exhibition “Odyssey of Feather” was held at the AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong. In 2024, her eighth solo exhibition was held at the 24th International Art Expo Beijing 2024 at Beijing Exhibition Center, China. In 2025, her ninth solo exhibition “Feathers in the heart of the Universe – Christina Tung Wai Solo Art Exhibition” was held at Yidege Art Museum in Beijing, China.

2020 has been a significant year for Christina’s art path. Her work “Anti-coronavirus” was featured in Beijing International Art Biennale “Fighting with Love” Anti-coronavirus Series Online Exhibition (Hong Kong). Moreover, her work “Propitious Portent” was selected as 1 of the 500 ink masterpieces worldwide in Ink Global. Other than that, she was the shoe design award winner of prestigious Italian brand Salvatore Ferragamo. The pair of Viva ballet flats, hand-painted by Christina, was then showcased at Phillips’ 20th Century & Contemporary Art, Famous Paintings, Design, Jewels and Watches auctions, and was collected by Salvatore Ferragamo then. In 2020 and 2021, she was nominated and selected into “Chinese Contemporary Art Document” and “Chinese She Art” respectively. In 2023, her works “Propitious Portent”, “All I Have to Do is Dream” and “Made in Heaven” were awarded the first prize at the “Golden Bauhinia Cup New Ink Paintings Competition 2023”. In 2024, her work “Close to You” was awarded the Excellence Award at the 3rd Asian Art Biennial Exhibition.

Throughout her career as an artist since 2011, Christina has taken part in over 70 international and overseas joint expositions and exhibitions, with hosting places in the mainland China like Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing, as well as other places like France, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, etc. Her works came under the collection of various financial institutions and collectors around the world.




2018年起,董慧曾先後於俄羅斯、中國北京及香港三地共舉辦9次個展。2018 年,董慧分別在俄羅斯聖彼得堡列賓美術學院博物館及當地摩伯特畫廊舉辦首次及第二次個展。其後於年底獲俄羅斯駐港總領事館及香港俄羅斯協會提名及邀請,於盈鑾畫廊舉辦第三次個人展覽《靈感》,其作品〈雲中白鶴〉獲俄羅斯駐港總領事館收藏。2021 年,她於盈鑾畫廊舉辦第四次個展《羽翀翀.毛鬙鬙》。2022年,分別於香港大會堂及典亞藝博舉行第五次及第六次個展《羽遊天下》。2023年,她於香港亞洲國際博覽館舉辦第七次個展《羽遊天下》。2024年,她於中國北京的北京展覽館舉辦第八次個展。2025年,她於中國北京的一得閣美術館舉辦第九次個展《羽匯心宇——董慧藝術展》。

2020 年亦為董慧藝術路上的一個里程碑。其作品〈斬妖除魔〉獲選入中國北京國際美術雙年展的《用愛一起抗》防疫專題系列線上展 (香港特區專輯);作品〈紫氣東來〉亦入選《全球水墨畫大展》500幅優秀水墨畫作之一。同時,她獲得意大利國際品牌薩瓦托 · 菲拉格慕(Salvatore Ferragamo)的鞋履設計大獎。這雙由董慧親自手繪的鞋履其後於7月展於香港JW萬豪酒店的富藝斯二十世紀及當代藝術、名畫、設計、珠寶和名錶拍賣會,並獲薩瓦托 · 菲拉格慕收藏。其後她分別於2020年及2021年獲提名並入編《中國當代藝術文獻》及《中國“她”藝術》。及至2023年,其作品〈紫氣東來〉、〈追夢〉及〈天作〉獲得《2023金紫荊盃新水墨畫大賽》一等獎。2024年作品〈離你很近〉入選第三屆亞洲美術雙年展,獲得優秀獎。


About Christina Tung's Works

In this age brimming with creativity and inspiration, art serves not just as a medium to express emotions but as a bridge connecting humanity with nature and oneself. Christina Tung Wai’s artistic creations exemplify this new form of artistic expression that springs from the soul as a channel for spiritual growth and a manifestation of inner strength. With her feather art, she hopes to enrich the public’s spiritual wisdom, empower them from within and open up possibilities for creativity by breaking through restrictive mindsets.

For many years, Christina Tung Wai has long centered her artistic language around the motif of feathers, utilizing materials such as tissue paper and cowhide leather to express her desire for freedom. In her creations, Christina Tung Wai elevates the ordinary feather to a metaphysical plane, resonating with the ancient Chinese philosophy that “By never seeking its own greatness, it ultimately attains true greatness.” She has further incorporated into her artworks Laozi’s wisdom in embracing softness and gentleness, “The highest good is like water”, as water nourishes all beings selflessly without striving against them and finds its place in the humblest of spots. 

To Christina Tung Wai, the feather serves as a metaphor for life’s complexity. It embodies the balance between vulnerability and strength, and the constant flux between transience and perpetuity. Each feather artwork is her reflections on life. With these meticulously crafted pieces, Christina Tung Wai guides us into moments of introspective meditation, providing us spiritual insight, encouraging us to embrace the fleeting beauty of life and to expand its infinite possibilities.





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